Monday, November 7, 2011

Yeah I been In Love... Over and Over Again!

Yeah I been in love... and yeah he broke my heart, and it happened in different ways, and I felt like it ruined my life, and it happened over and over again.

Yeah I gave my all... and got back a fraction of what i put out, and it hurt, and it happened over and over again.

Yeah I picked the wrong guy... because i didn't want to make the same mistake I did last time, but made a new mistake this time, and it happened over and over.

Yeah I did something stupid... acted a bit dumb... saw that it would end up bad, but held on because I didn't know what else to do, or didn't want to realize that it really was over, I tried to hope for something that would never come and it happened over and over again.

Yeah I lost myself some... when I got in a relationship, his dreams became my dreams and I was going to do whatever I had too, to make them a reality, then I realized that he didn't even know what his dreams were and he sure didn't feel the same way about mine, and it happened over and over again.

Yeah I slept around... then I decided that I was going to be celibate, Then magic dick came around so yeah that was good, and then celibate, but then i was celebrating in sex land, and this happened over and over again.

Yeah I did a lot of shit in my life... But I learned that there is no concrete path to follow when your in love... We just try our best with what we have learned so far, as we go along. We try and fail, We fail and try over and over again.

Stop being so hard on yourself... your still on your journey... it aint over till the fat lady sings and guess what, I haven't hit a tune yet.

So you wonder how many times you have to go through this? Over and Over again till we get it right my dears enjoy the ride!

Because when you really think about it, You hurt because you loved, your cry because you laughed, You frown because you smiled, and you feel like dying... because for a while being with them felt like you were LIVING in such an amazing way. Its ok to do it over and over again. Its ok....

A Raqui Original - A little bit of Raqui-ism

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